Cross Block Diagrams ***

We like to post diagrams for blocks without free instructions or patterns available on the web. Here are our Christian Cross block diagrams to date.

Print out a diagram in a size you like, cut it apart along the lines, and use the pieces for patterns. Remember to add a 1/4" seam allowance to each pattern piece!

The Cross
The Cross

Cross & Crown

Cross & Crown

The Cross

Fabric 1 (background):
2 small triangles
4 medium triangles
2 extra-large triangles
Fabric 2 (contrasting fabric):
6 medium triangles
4 large triangles in Fabric 2

The Cross

At right is the sequence we'd use when assembling this block:

• Make blue and yellow sections separately
• Add blue sections to yellow section
• Add pink pieces

To simplify, cut the fabric for the largest pieces into rectangles and triangles on the dotted lines. Remember to add seam allowances to those pieces too!

Cross & Crown

Cross & Crown