This is the Table of Contents for our half-square triangle pages. Click on an icon you like to go to the page you want.
In Corners
Shoofly |
 Shoo Fly
 Fence Row Quilt
 Fence Row
 Joseph's Coat
 Prairie Queen
 A Dandy
 Classic Churn Dash
 Grecian Designs
 Double Monkey Wrench
 Churn Dash LAC
 Puss in the Corner
 Triangles & Stripes
 Mosaic, No. 7
 Double Squares
 Mrs. Cleve-land's Choice
Five-patch Churn Dash |
 Grand-mother's Choice
 Grand-mother's Choice
 Duck's Foot
 A Wrench
 Churn Dash
 Cross & Crown
 Cross & Crown
 Duck & Ducklings
 Ducks & Ducklings
 Ducks & Ducklings
 Ducklings for Friend-ship
 Goose in the Pond |
In Sawtooth Rows
Bear Paw
 Bear's Paw
 Bear Paw
 Premium Star
 Premium Star
 The World's Fair
Coming soon:
 Delectable Mountains Hall
 Delectable Mountains Cabot
 King Solomon's Temple
 Humming Bird/ Rosebud
See also:
 Bear's Paw LAC
 Pine Tree Design
Kansas Troubles/Irish Puzzle
 Kansas Troubles
 Kansas Troubles
Q Book
 Irish Puzzle LAC
 Irish Puzzle
 Barrister's Block
 Bear's Paw LAC
 Bear's Paw KCS
 Star of Hope
 The Delectable Mountains
 World's Fair Puzzle
Lady of the Lake & more
 Lady of the Lake
 Framed Squares
 Indian Plume
 Indian Plumes
 West Wind
 Sail Boat
 Birds in the Air Holstein
 Old Maid's Puzzle
Coming soon:
 Flamingos in flight